In creepypasta lore, The Backrooms is a legend about a surreal place that a person can accidentally find themselves lost in. Resembling the inside of a vacant office building, with fluorescent lighting and carpeted floors,…
The Creepiest Pasta on the Internet
A young law officer is called to investigate a disturbance late at night at a woman’s remote home. The eyewitness reports seeing “yellow eyes” staring at her from the bushline. The officer investigated the surrounding…
(1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)
A loud bang from the attic has woken me up again tonight. It doesn’t happen more than once at a time. Or maybe it doesn’t happen. I can’t be sure because my husband is always…
(2 votes, average: 1.50 out of 5)
A little background first. I was serving a 15-year sentence in a penitentiary in southern Arizona. What I was in there for isn’t important. During my stay there, there were countless things that happened that…
(2 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5)
In a tale told by a lighthouse keeper of a mysterious white ship that appears only when the moon is full, the narrator tells us of the night that he boarded that strange ship, and…
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Scary or haunted attractions around Halloween have long been a draw for the brave of heart. Visitors wanting to push their internal limits and see if they can truly be scared keep coming to these…
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
I was just heading home from my long day at work. My two dogs had been starving since I hadn’t gotten food for them in a while. I was fairly broke at the moment, but…
(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
My sister is a genius. When she was about thirteen she made this device that honestly still blows my mind. I’ve spent my entire life studying physics and I still don’t know what she did,…
(4 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
There’s a saying in my town; a Golden Rule. We call it Commandment Zero, as it is more important than all others: “Thou shalt not disturb those which came before you, for they hold the…
(1 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
When I was younger, a lot younger, my most vivid memories are of the storms. Thunder, lightning, gale force winds, dark skies lit with bright flashes, pelting raindrops thicker than tears, banging shutters, and tornadoes…
(1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)