Do you know how many people go missing in our national forests every year and are never found? The true accounts of missing persons range across all ages, nationalities and even states. While some are eventually found, the number is surprisingly low. Some of the discovered come back with strange accounts of their missing time. Still others are never seen again.
In 2015, a series of stories first appeared on Reddit’s no sleep community from a search and rescue worker for the Forest Service. They related a number of unsettling accounts of the various S&R operations that they were a part of. Sadly, many of the searches resulted in worst-case endings. In particular, there was one particular mystery that captured the attention of readers: the mysterious sightings of spiral staircases where none should be, found in the middle of a forest, with no evidence of who put them there or why.
Is there a connection between the odd disappearances and the pristine staircases found in the woods? If so, what is it — and what sort of seemingly supernatural force is behind the arrival of the staircases and the people vanishing into thin air?
After being voted as one of the best monthly entries of 2015, Reddit user “searchandrescuewoods” went on to write more accounts of the creepy staircases found in the woods. Many of their stories have been narrated into this two hour long recording.
Listen to one of the creepiest tales let loose on the internet in recent years. See if you can make it all the way to the end.
Credit: SearchandRescueWorker on Reddit (author), Corpse Husband (narrator)